Targeted Improvement Plan

School Improvement Theory of Action & Change Leadership Model

In connection with the School Improvement Theory of Action, the targeted improvement plan helps prioritize gaps in our school systems and practices, aligned to the aspirational framework of the ESF. Further, the targeted improvement plan aligns to Phase 2 of the Change Leadership Model, Plan and Initiate Change. Campus and district leaders will build a strategic plan designed to achieve campus vision and begin the initial implementation of the strategic plan.


When developing a school improvement plan, the campus and district will:

A campus’ Targeted Improvement Plan serves as the method for submitting their planning efforts for ongoing feedback and support from their TEA Specialist and ESC School Improvement case manager.

Accountability (Required vs. Maintained Locally)

Summary of Intervention Requirements - State Accountability

Monitoring Implementation

Detailed information around submission dates and support/check-ins with campus principals as outlined in the DCSI Job Description/Basics section.

The campus will submit their TIP via a web-based platform, PLan4Learning. TIPs are accessed and submitted through ISAM. ISAM is the portal for LEAs to submit campus TIP and TAP to the agency.

TEA Guidance

TIP Rubric

The TIP rubric is a guide to supporting principals in developing Targeted Improvement Plans

TEA School Improvement

Initial TIP Submission Checklist

Targeted Improvement Plan submission requirements for all LEAs

TEA School Improvement

Progress 1 TIP Submission Checklist

TEA School Improvement

Progress 2 TIP Submission Checklist

The Anatomy of a Targeted Improvement Plan Determining Prioritized Essential Actions

In this section, the campus will determine the 2-3 Essential Actions that will be their focus for the year. These essential actions will remain their focus throughout the year, therefore it is important on how these focus essential actions are chosen. Campuses will consider the results from their campus self-assessment or most recent ESF diagnostic. Further, they will need to reflect on the implementation level of each EA. For each selected EA, the campus must provide a rationale for the emphasis on each EA and how prioritizing that essential action will support school improvement efforts.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting Development and Implementation

Capacity Building

In this section, the campus will describe how they will build capacity around the selected Essential Actions. Further, campuses will need to describe how their selected partner will help them, what new practices, policies or systems will they focus on implementing and what skills will they focus on improving. Campuses will indicate which VIP/TIL cohort they are working with for each Essential Action. If they are not working with a VIP or TIL, they will need to select Other and specifically describe who that partner is and how they will support the campus in building capacity.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting Development and Implementation

Communication Plan

In this section, the campus will describe how they will communicate their priorities to all stakeholders and how they will create and maintain buy-in from them. Stakeholders include staff, students, families, and the community.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting TIP Development and Implementation

Desired Annual Outcomes

In this section the campus will need to determine an end of the year goal for each prioritized Essential Action. The goal will need to describe what the implementation of each Essential Action will look like at the end of the year. The Desired Annual Outcome should be aligned to the key practices and success criteria of their prioritized focus area. It should be specific and clearly state the outcome they are striving to achieve at the end of the year. It should also be measurable so that they are able to know of their goal was accomplished at the end of the year.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting TIP Development and Implementation

District Commitment Theory of Action

In this section, the campus will describe how the district will support the campus in ensuring the necessary tools and structures are in place to allow for improvement efforts. This is written in an “If, Then” statement, describing what will happen if the district upholds the commitment. The District Commitment Theory of Action should be drawn from district commitments pager for that lever.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting TIP Development and Implementation

District Actions

In this section, the campus will describe the specific actions the district will take in each cycle to support the campus’ improvement plan. The District Actions should come from the District Commitment Theory of Action developed for each Essential Action which is pulled from the Effective Schools Framework. The campus should describe and outline how the DCSI will support the campus in achieving its 90-day outcome.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting TIP Development and Implementation

Action Steps

In this section, the campus will outline and list the critical actions that a campus must take to ensure they make progress toward their 90-day outcome. Action Steps are created for each 90-day cycle aligned to the Essential Action. Campuses should consider training needs, protocols, processes, or systems that need to be put in place. When creating action steps, campuses should be considering those actions that are related to planning, implementation, and monitoring.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting TIP Development and Implementation

Identifying and Overcoming challenges

In this section, the campus will proactively consider challenges that will arise and potentially prevent the campus from achieving its goals. Challenges that are outlined are within the locus of control and can be addressed and overcome with planning. Challenges should be related to mindsets, talent, and resources. Campuses should consider the challenges that might prevent the team from achieving their outlined action steps. To further support achieving their 90-day outcome, the campus will need to consider how they will overcome each challenge. Campuses will need to review their action steps and indicate which action steps address each outlined challenge.

Success Criteria:

Coaching Stems/Prompts: Supporting TIP Development and Implementation

Student Data

In this section campuses will need to set benchmark goals for each cycle. These goals are built off of the goals set in the Data Analysis portion of the TIP. Goals will be set for Domains 1 and 3. Campuses will use the approaches/meets/masters results to set goals for each subject area. Then using EOY goals set in the Data Analysis section, campuses will backwards plan and set smaller goals for each cycle that are both ambitious and achievable and will lead to the achievement of their end of year goals.

Success Criteria: Domain 1

Success Criteria: Domain 3